Kat's Koven

Transest Femme of Themme All, Oliveblooded Dersite Witch of Heart, (she/her)

I am Katherine, I am a musiciain, beginner programmer, and enjoyer of everything related to Homestuck.

I view myself in an unconventional manner. Instead of viewing myself as one indivisual, I view myself as billions of neurons, all with different personalities, tendencies, and habits. Together, they inhabit a singular vessel, but are not singular. This does not mean I think I am plural, but just that I have an unconventional viewing of myself.

I have a moral code in set for myself. The basis of it is that anyone can do whatever they want, aslong as it doesnt infringe on others ability to do whatever they want aswell. Another key part of it is how against vengeance/retribution I am. I strictly believe that punishment, in any form, for anything, is immoral. Incapacitation and rehabilitation should be what we should be focusing on, but rage and vengeance corrupts us to want things like death sentences.